Jeong-si Kwon

Visualized: Historical Trends in Global Monthly Surface Temperatures (1851-2020)

January 30, 2021 | Iman Ghosh | Original Article: Global Temperature Graph (1851-2020) Since 1880, the Earth’s average surface temperature has risen by 0.07°C (0.13°F) every decade. That number alone may seem negligible, but over time, it adds up. In addition, the rate of temperature change has grown significantly more dramatic over time—more than […]

Visualized: Historical Trends in Global Monthly Surface Temperatures (1851-2020) Read More »

EXTREME WEATHER 26 July 2021  16:00

Climate change will drive rise in ‘record-shattering’ heat extremes Ayesha Tandon | 26 July 2021 | Original Article: “Record-shattering” extremes – which break weather records by large margins – will become more likely as a result of climate change, a new study finds. The paper, published in Nature Climate Change, finds that the northern

EXTREME WEATHER 26 July 2021  16:00 Read More »

Data Review: How many people die from air pollution?

This Data Review presents published estimates of the global death toll from air pollution and provides the context that makes them understandable. November 25, 2021 | Max Roser | Original Article: Summary The purpose of this Data Review is to present the estimates of the global death toll from air pollution published in major

Data Review: How many people die from air pollution? Read More »

About 26,000 tonnes of plastic Covid waste pollutes world’s oceans – study

8 Nov 2021 | Sandra Laville | Original Article: Increased demand for PPE has put pressure on an already out-of-control global problem, report finds Plastic waste from the Covid-19 pandemic weighing 25,900 tonnes, equivalent to more than 2,000 double-decker buses, has leaked into the ocean, research has revealed. The mismanaged plastic waste, consisting of

About 26,000 tonnes of plastic Covid waste pollutes world’s oceans – study Read More »


Climate change: The environmental disasters we’ve almost fixed

Original Article: | Helen Briggs GETTY IMAGES There are no simple solutions to complex problems like climate change. But there have been times in the past when the world has come together to try to fix an environmental crisis. How did we deal with acid rain, for example, or the hole in the ozone

Climate change: The environmental disasters we’ve almost fixed Read More »


How world’s coal-power pipeline has shrunk by three-quarters

20 Sep 2021 | Leo Roberts, Christine Shearer | Original Article: Unabated coal power generation must be quickly phased out in order to meet the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement. An important first step is ensuring that no new coal-fired power stations are built, say UN secretary António Guterres and COP26 president designate

How world’s coal-power pipeline has shrunk by three-quarters Read More »


Today’s youth will face ‘unmatched’ climate extremes compared to older generations

AYESHA TANDON |Original Article: | People born in 2020 will have to face between two and seven times more extreme climate-related events over their lifetimes than people born in 1960, according to estimates from a new study. The paper, published in Science, analyses six extreme event categories – including crop failures, droughts and heatwaves.

Today’s youth will face ‘unmatched’ climate extremes compared to older generations Read More »


How much of the world’s oil needs to stay in the ground?

Damian Carrington | Sep 8th 2021 | Original Article: Analysis shows future is bleak for fossil fuel industry with trillions of dollars of assets at stake The vast majority of fossil fuel reserves owned today by countries and companies must remain in the ground if the climate crisis is to be ended, an analysis

How much of the world’s oil needs to stay in the ground? Read More »

This is the impact of extreme weather on lives and livelihoods

01 Aug 2021 | Douglas Broom | Original Article: Weather, climate and water-related hazards account for at least half of all global disasters over the past 50 years, according to new data. The global bill for storm damage in the past half-century comes to $521 billion. Scientists say climate change is accelerating extreme weather

This is the impact of extreme weather on lives and livelihoods Read More »

Tackling methane levels is the quickest way to slow climate change, say scientists

Original Article: | 25 Aug 2021 | Johnny Wood Methane poses more than 80 times the global warming threat of CO2 over a 20-year period. But methane emissions remain in the atmosphere for a relatively short time before degrading. Cutting methane levels will be felt more quickly than reducing CO2, say climate scientists, helping

Tackling methane levels is the quickest way to slow climate change, say scientists Read More »

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